You don't need all that, but a good source of natural sunlight is an easy and inexpensive way to drastically improve your webcam shot.
#What is the best webcam for macbook pro movie#
That's why movie and TV sets and professional photography are flooded with giant lights. The MacBook Air webcam looks especially bad in low-light situations. Note the soft image quality, and the laptop should be propped up higher. Where do you want the camera pointing? Get it to sit just above eye level.Ī not-great shot from the 2020 MacBook Air webcam. Use big coffee table books or something similar, so you won't get as much wobble. If your laptop is anywhere close to a good ergonomic position for your hands, then it's nowhere near the best spot for a Zoom meeting.
#What is the best webcam for macbook pro how to#
Ultimate webcam tips: How to look and sound great online.Whether it's a MacBook or another laptop, here's how to make the best of it. You could also attach an external webcam from Logitech or another company, but many models are sold out right now on Amazon and elsewhere, so you may be stuck with the built-in camera. The Pro version costs a few bucks, and won't work for every scenario, but is worth it if you're using a compatible app like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. I've also been using EpocCam software from Elgato, which runs on my phone and allows me to use the phone as a wireless 1080p camera for my MacBook. For TV appearances from my work-from-home office, I've been using my phone mounted from an eye-level tripod clip. Either the front or back cameras will be better than any laptop you have.
One option is to use your phone's camera. Especially for a smaller, low-slung laptop like the Air, your camera isn't going to be at an optimal angle if it's sitting on your desk or kitchen table and aimed up at you. There's at least a reasonable chance you're beaming into an online video meeting from a MacBook Air or something similar. Many Windows laptops are barely better, many with similar sub-1080p resolutions, but at least some have better light sensitivity, color accuracy or depth-sensing for facial-recognition logins. This is the same basic type of camera the company has been putting in laptops for years, and this isn't the first time we've complained about it.